Epistemic logic uses Kripke semantics to model knowledge. However, one of the problems in using Kripke semantics to analyse systems and situations is that it is difficult to confirm whether a Kripke model that putatively models a particular system does indeed model it correctly. This is because epistemic Kripke models are difficult for human to construct from a scenario. Moreover the subtleties involved in a more complex epistemic scenario are hard to capture formally in a Kripke model. In this paper we propose the Epistemic Modelling Language (EML) which makes it easier to capture and analyse complex epistemic situations. We will take a specific epistemic scenario as an example. We will then use this language to represent and reason about the example. Using the semantics of our language, we will look at the properties derived from the Kripke model we have generated. We will then use our language to formally reason about S5n models in general. Finally we will describe an application for model checking using this language.

Full paper will be available soon.